Thursday, July 29, 2004

Over the edge: Three Phrases To Insanity

It is amazing how a few little words can effect your entire day. There are 3 things I here almost every day that completely drive me insane.

1. Is it done yet?

It's bad enough that my coworkers seldom have any idea what I'm working on. But when they feel the need to come in my office, lean over my shoulder as if they understand what is on the screen in front of them, and inquire "Is it done yet?". I always want to scream, "What do you think, does it LOOK like it is done yet?". Usually I either block them out with my incredible powers of concentration, or answer "Yes". I mean since they don't know anything about it how will they know if it is done or not.

2. Can you do me a favor?

This one goes way back to my first grocery store job. For the LOVE OF GOD, don't ever ask me that. If you need me to do something specific to my job, just tell me what you need done, don't ask me to do it as a favor. I remember working so many late nights at Farm Fresh because Roddy Williams came down stairs and asked for a favor. When the choice is do what I ask or you are fired, I don't consider that a favor.

3. That shouldn't take that long.

If you knew how long it was going to take chances are you would know how to do it. Since you don't know how to do it you are asking me. Therefore you don't know what your FREAKIN TALKING ABOUT!! So next time you tell me you want a "Favor" don't tell me how long it should take you don't know how long it will take you big freakin moron.

I think you can see why I'm slightly insane. If you have to deal with this kind of thing on a daily basis, give me a call I know a really good shrink.



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